Vous êtes ici › Les groupes / artistesTThroneaeon › Neither of gods

Throneaeon › Neither of gods

12 titres - 41:50 min

  • 1/ Neither of gods
  • 2/ Thru sinfulness
  • 3/ Above the aware
  • 4/ In all and nothing
  • 5/ Seven in heaven on earth
  • 6/ Blackened to be
  • 7/ The serpent unfolds
  • 8/ Strenght of the flesh
  • 9/ From on high
  • 10/ Enemies of thy god
  • 11/ 5211131103
  • 12/ As it has come to the end


Studio Underground, Suède

line up

Tony Freed (guitares, chant), Jens Klovegard (guitares), Roger Sundquist (batterie), Andreas Dahlstrom (basse)

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