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Les labels › T
- T(
- T(r)ape
- Tâ
- Tââlem
- Ta
- Taang! Records
- Table Of The Elements
- Tabu Recordings
- Tacoho Records
- Tactical Recordings
- Take The Shield
- Takoma
- Talheim Records
- Talitha Records
- Talitres
- Talitres Records
- Talkin'loud
- Tamla Motown
- Tan Cressida
- Tanga-tanga
- Tangerine Dream International
- Tannen Records
- Tantric Harmonies
- Tantric Terror
- Tanzprocesz/animal Biscuit/et Mon Cul C'est Du Tofu ?
- Tape O Negative
- Tapete
- Tapioca
- Tartarus Records
- Taste Media Ltd.
- Tatra Records
- Te
- Teamquasar
- Tee Pee Records
- Teenage Menopause
- Teenbeat/4ad
- Teichiku Records Company
- Teito Sound Company
- Tekito
- Tektosag
- Teldec
- Telegram Records
- Telegraph
- Telstar Records
- Templar
- Temple Of Darkness
- Temple Of Mystery Records
- Temple Of Noise
- Temple Of Torturous
- Temple Records
- Tempo Tabu' Records
- Temporary Residence Limited
- Ten Worlds Records
- Tendresse
- Tenebris Records
- Tenor Vossa Records
- Tentacles Industries
- Tenzenmen
- Té
- Téona
- Th
- The All Blacks Usa, Inc.
- The Bellwether Underground
- The Black Hand
- The Church Within Records
- The Church Within Records
- The Circle Music
- The Coming Strife
- The Council Of Bones
- The Council Of Bones
- The Crypt
- The Douglas Collection
- The Eastern Front
- The Enclave
- The End Records
- The English Channel
- The Flenser
- The Flower Shop Recordings
- The Flying Elephant Records
- The Ghetto Recording Company
- The Godfatherecords
- The Gold Label
- The Great American Steak Religion
- The Grey Area
- The Home(r) Entertainment Network
- The International Music (tim) Company
- The Island Def Jam Music Group
- The Label
- The Laser's Edge
- The Luciferian University Of Atlantis
- The Machat Company
- The Making Of Americans
- The Miskatonic Foundation
- The Music Cartel
- The Nature Of Gothic
- The Null Corporation
- The Other Records
- The Path Less Traveled Records
- The Plague
- The Releasing Eskimo
- The Sky Is Red
- The Spew Records
- The Spheres
- The Store For Music Ltd
- The Streetlight Farm
- The Swingin' Pig Records
- The Terrorists Win !
- The Twenty First Century Recording Company
- The Voyager Company
- Thermidor
- These Records
- Things To Come
- Third Bass Collective
- Third Brass Collective
- Third Eye Temple
- Third Man
- Third Mind Records
- Third Worlds
- Thirsty Ear Recordings
- This Ain't Heaven Recording Concern
- This Dark Reign Recordings
- This Is Music
- This Way Up
- Thorp Records
- Those Opposed Records
- Thot Music
- Thoth Music
- Thrash Records
- Thrashing Rage Productions
- Three One G (31g)
- Three Point
- Threeman Recordings
- Threshold House
- Threshold Recordings
- Threshold Records
- Thrill Jockey
- Throatruiner Records
- Throne Records
- Tht Productions
- Thug Life
- Thunder Productions
- Thunderball
- Thunderdome / Arachnophobia
- Thundering Records
- Thwart Productions
- To
- To Live A Lie
- Tobasis Records
- Toco International
- Todeskult
- Todestrieb Records
- Todo Destruido
- Toeblock
- Tokuma
- Tolerance Records
- Tomato Music
- Tomaturj
- Tombstone Records
- Tomlab
- Tommy Boy
- Tone Casualities
- Tonn Recordings
- Tonpress
- Tonspur Tapes
- Too Pure
- Tool Dissectional
- Tooth & Nail Records
- Topheth Prophet
- Torso
- Tortuga Recordings
- Torture Garden Picture Company
- Toshiba Emi Ltd
- Toshiba Records
- Tot Ou Tard
- Total
- Total Fistruction Records
- Total Holocaust Records
- Total Punk Records
- Total Rust
- Totally Gross National Product
- Totem Cat
- Totentanz
- Totò Alle Prese Coi Dischi
- Touch
- Touch & Go Records
- Tour De Garde
- Tourette Records
- Tourments
- Toy's Factory Records
- Tr
- Trabuc Records
- Trace
- Traci Lord Production
- Track Records
- Tracks And Traces
- Trackshun Industries
- Trademark Of Quantity
- Tradition & Moderne Gmbh
- Tradition Records
- Traffic Entertainment Group
- Trance
- Trance Syndicate
- Trans'pact Productions
- Transatlantic Records
- Transcendental Creations
- Transgredient Records
- Transit
- Translation Loss Records
- Transmat
- Transmission Records
- Transparency
- Transparent
- Transsolar Records
- Transubstans Records
- Transylvanian Tapes
- Trap Records
- Trash Ritual
- Trash Vogue Records
- Trashmouth Records
- Trax
- Trc
- Trd W/d
- Tremblements Essentiels
- Trendkill Recordings
- Trente Oiseaux
- Trepan Records
- Très-gore Records
- Tresor
- Treue Um Treue
- Tri Angle
- Tribe Tapes
- Tribulation Recording Co
- Tribune Records
- Tricatel
- Trident Music International
- Trident Records
- Tridroid Records
- Trigram
- Trinity Records
- Trio
- Triple X Records
- Trisol
- Trisol Music Group Gmbh / Rehab Records
- Triton
- Triumph Ov Death
- Trojan
- Trollzorn Records
- Troniks
- Trouble In Mind
- Troubleman Unlimited
- True Panther Sounds
- Truly Diabolic Records
- Trunk Records
- Trust No One
- Trustkill
- Truth Cult
- Tt
- Tto Records
- Tv
- Tvt Records
- Tz
- Tzadik