chris moyen2022 ArchgoatAll Christianity ends 2021 ArchgoatWorship the eternal darkness 2018 ArchgoatThe Luciferian Crown 2017 Hexen HolocaustHeretical dreadful orgies 2015 ArchgoatThe Apocalyptic TriumphatorBlack Witchery / RevengeHolocaustic Death March to Humanity's DoomCompilations - DiversWe Are French, Fuck You! 2011 ArchgoatHeavenly Vulva (Christ's Last Rites)RavencultMorbid Blood 2009 ArchgoatThe light-devouring darkness 2007 NecromessiahAntiklerical Terroristik Death Squad 2006 ArchgoatWhore of BethlehemNominonRemnants of a diabolical history 2005 Black WitcheryUpheaval of satanic might 2002 Black WitcheryDesecration of the holy kingdom 1998 DemoncyFaustian dawn 1991 BeheritThe oath of black blood 1990 MorticianBrutally mutilatedliste des tags