Vous êtes ici › Les groupes / artistes › H › Gibby Haynes
Gibby Haynes (Etats-Unis)
- apparitions diverses
- EButthole Surfers › Brown reason to live 1983
- AButthole Surfers › Psychic, powerless... another man's sac 1984
- EButthole Surfers › Cream corn from the socket of davis 1985
- AButthole Surfers › Rembrandt pussyhorse 1986
- AButthole Surfers › Locust abortion technician 1987
- AButthole Surfers › Hairway to steven 1988
- AMinistry › KEΦAΛHΞΘ (Psalm 69: the Way To Succeed & the Way To Suck Eggs) 1992
- AButthole Surfers › Independent worm saloon 1993
- CMinistry › Box 1993
- ARevolting Cocks › Cocked and Loaded 2006
- APsychic TV › Hell is invisible... heaven is her/e 2007